eAD 201

Woe on the Unrepentant Cities/Rest for the Weary (Matthew 11:20-11:30)

- Woe on the Unrepentant Cities - Rest for the Weary Matthew 11:20-11:30 Softly and Tenderly-Johnny Cash예수가 우리를 부르는 소리 -찬송가318장(새528) 다음 찬송가를 들으시려면 ▶표를 누르세요(^_^) Matthew (마태복음) 본문 Matthew 11:20 (마태복음) Then Jesus began to denounce the cities in which most of his miracles had been performed, because they did n..

카테고리 없음 2008.12.27

Jesus and John the Baptist (Matthew 11:2-11:19)-예수와 세례 요한

Jesus and John the Baptist 예수와 세례 요한 Matthew 11:2-11:19 How Sweet The Name/CCM-Delirious 다음 찬송가를 들으시려면 ▶표를 누르세요(^_^) Matthew (마태복음) 본문 Matthew 11:2 (마태복음) When John heard in prison what Christ was doing, he sent his disciples ●요한이 옥에서 그리스도께서 하신 일을 듣고 제자들을 보내어 Matthew 11:3 (..

카테고리 없음 2008.12.27

Jesus Sends Out The Twelve (Matthew 10:1-11:1)-열두 제자의 선택과 파송

Jesus Sends Out The Twelve 열두 제자의 선택과 파송 Matthew 10:1-11:1 Throw Out the Lifeline-Ella Fitzgerald 물 건너 생명줄 던지어라 -찬송가258장(새500장) 다음 찬송가를 들으시려면 ▶표를 누르세요(^_^) Matthew (마태복음) 본문 Matthew 10:1 (마태복음) He called his twelve disciples to him and gave the authority to drive out evil spirits and to h..

카테고리 없음 2008.12.27

Miracles and Teaching[Ⅱ-②](Matthew 9:9-9:17)-The Calling of Matthew

Miracles and Teaching [Ⅱ-②] - The Calling of Matthew 이적과 가르침Ⅱ-②마태를 부르심 Matthew 9:9-9:17 Softly and Tenderly Jesus is Calling 예수가 우리를 부르는 소리 - Johnny Cash-찬송가 318장/새찬송가528장 다음 찬송가를 들으시려면 ▶표를 누르세요(^_^) Matthew (마태복음) 본문 Matthew 9:9 (마태복음) As Jesus went on from there, he ..

카테고리 없음 2008.12.27