The Crucifixion/예수 십자가에 못 박히심 (Matthew 27:27-27:44) The Crucifixion 예수 십자가에 못 박히심 Matthew 27:27-27:44 The Old Rugged Cross - Patti Page 갈보리산 위에-찬송가135장/새찬송가150장 ● crucifixion〔〕십자가에 못박음 (The Crucifixion)그리스도를 십자가에 못박음 ● rugged〔〕울퉁불퉁한.바위투성이의.주름진.억센.엄한.고된.괴로운 다음 찬송가를 들으시려면 ▶표를 .. 카테고리 없음 2008.12.27
Jesus Before Pilate/빌라도의 심문 (Matthew 27:1-27:26) Jesus Before Pilate/빌라도의 심문 Matthew 27:1-27:26 Sprit Song/주님의 시간에 - Guitar/유지연나의 자비로운 주여 다음 찬송가를 들으시려면 ▶표를 누르세요(^_^) Matthew (마태복음) 본문 Matthew 27:1 (마태복음) Early in the morning, all the chief priests and the elders of the people came to the decision to put Jesus to death. 새벽에 모든 제사.. 카테고리 없음 2008.12.27
Peter Disowns Jesus/베드로의 예수 부인 (Matthew 26:69-26:75) Peter Disowns Jesus 베드로의 예수 부인 Matthew 26:69-26:75 I Hear The Saviour Say - Guitar이 세상 험하고 - 찬송가197장/새263장 다음 찬송가를 들으시려면 ▶표를 누르세요(^_^) Matthew (마태복음) 본문 Matthew 26:69 (마태복음) Now Peter was sitting out in the courtyard, and a servant girl came to him. "You also were with Jesus of Galilee," she said. .. 카테고리 없음 2008.12.27
Jesus Arrested/Before the Sanhedrin (Matthew 26:47-26:68) Jesus Arrested /Before the Sanhedrin Matthew 26:47-26:68 Jesus' Blood/CCM - Hillsong United(Jesus' Blood Never Fails Me) † (Ⅰ) Jesus' Blood Never Fails Me, Jesus' Blood Never Fails Me, Jesus' Blood Never Fails Me, jesus' Blood, Jesus Blood. (Ⅱ) Jesus' Blood Never Fails Me, Jesus' Blood Never Fails Me, Jesus' Blood Never Fails Me, Jesus' Blood, Jesus Blood. (Ⅲ) Jesus' Blood Never Fails M.. 카테고리 없음 2008.12.27
Gethsemane/겟세마네의 기도 (Matthew 26:36-26:46) Gethsemane/겟세마네의 기도 Matthew 26:36-26:46 Gethsemane(I Only Want To Say)/Super Star - Michael Crawford ● Gethsemane〔〕 겟세마네(예루살렘의 동쪽에 있는 동산.예수그리스도 수난의 땅) 다음 찬송가를 들으시려면 ▶표를 누르세요(^_^) Matthew (마태복음) 본문 Matthew 26:36 (마태복음) Then Jesus went with his disciples to a place calle.. 카테고리 없음 2008.12.27
The Lord's Supper/Jesus Predicts Peter's Denial (Matthew 26:17-26:35) The Lord's Supper /Jesus Predicts Peter's Denial Matthew 26:17-26:35 Communion Hymn/유월절 때가 이르매-찬송가282장/새찬송가232장 ● communion 친교.종교단체.교우 다음 찬송가를 들으시려면 ▶표를 누르세요(^_^) Matthew (마태복음) 본문 Matthew 26:17 (마태복음) On the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the disciples came to Jesus and aske.. 카테고리 없음 2008.12.27
The Plot Against Jesus../예수에 대한 음모 (Matthew 26:1-26:16) The Plot Against Jesus.. 예수에 대한 음모 Matthew 26:1-26:16 Piano Master No Offering Costly and Sweet 값비싼 향유를 주께 드린-346장/새211장 다음 찬송가를 들으시려면 ▶표를 누르세요(^_^) Matthew (마태복음) 본문 Matthew 26:1 (마태복음) When Jesus had finished saying all these things, he said to his disciples, 예수께서 이 말씀을 다 마치.. 카테고리 없음 2008.12.27
The Sheep and the Goats (Matthew 25:31-25:46) The Sheep and the Goats 예수 재림시의 의인과 악인의 구분 Matthew 25:31-25:46 다음 찬송가를 들으시려면 ▶표를 누르세요(^_^) Matthew (마태복음) 본문 Matthew 25:31 (마태복음) "When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his throne in heavenly glory. ●인자가 자기 영광으로 모든 천사와 함께 올 때에 .. 카테고리 없음 2008.12.27
The Parables of the Ten Virgins and the Talents (Matthew 25:1-25:30) The Parables of the Ten Virgins and the Talents (열 처녀와 달란트에 관한 비유) Matthew 25:1-25:30 Violin① God is our Refuge (79장/새70장-피난처 있으니) ② Jesus, the Thought of Thee (85장/새85장-구주를 생각만 해도) ③ Love Divine, All loves Excelling (55장/새15장-하나님의 크신 사랑) 다음 찬송가를 들으시려면 ▶표를 누르세요(^_^) Ma.. 카테고리 없음 2008.12.27
The Day and Hour Unknown/Second Advent of Christ (Matthew 24:32-24:51) The Day and Hour Unknown (Second Advent of Christ) Matthew 24:32-24:51 Violin① When the Trumpet of the Lord shall sound (하나님의 나팔소리-168장/새180장) ② When Jesus comes to reward (언제 주님 다시 오실는지-163장/새176장) ● advent〔, 〕 ①(주요 인물.사건의)도래.출현(of) ②(그리스도의)강림.강림절 ③그리스도의 재림(Second Coming) 다.. 카테고리 없음 2008.12.27